Saturday, July 17, 2004

happy weekend?

kalo udah friday gitu..biasanya people leave a message in ur tagboard..happy weekend! n im really thankful they did..because i usually did not have a good weekend..the saturdays, yes. the sundays, no.
saturdays : my driver's in for work. my friends usually asks me out. if not i usually go shopping with my mom. for school supplies or just for apparels. OR to my its-ok place, the supermarket :D.
sundays : no driver = have to ask for a ride if i wanna go out. 90% dad is home so i wont be able to go anywhere. 20% got tuition (especially im goin to learn dreamweaver soon..yay!). 50% i wake up late heheheh..if theres no tuition. n 30% im havin a nap in the evening. tomorrow is MONDAY!!! ohhh nooooo..*groans*
but for now..tomorrow is hm, hello boring..
everybody knows HOT CHICK right? the silly comedy..i always remembered the stinko de mayo comment taquito gives..hahahaha..what a name! the character i always love is April, the girl with the pepper keychain..hihihihi..that's why iam now officially a keychain fetish..hehehehe..because she inspired me..HAHAHAHA no connection..but seriously..i really do want a keychain like that..with so many keychains..n a pepper spray if i havta..(who knows i'll meet taquito..) especially after the holiday season, i got lotsa keychains as a present..
right now im also addicted to gift wrapping..since my boyfriend's birthday, i really cant wait buy another present so that i can see the girls at the gift wrap center to wrap it for me. not only that..i love to mix n match for the colors..especially that they have all the supplies there! from ordinary plain wrapping paper, to colorful well-designed tissue papers..mesh-like ropes to wrap around the tissue papers..oh i love 'em all! they also sell different kinds of ribbon..plain paper ribons..drawn paper ribbons..all kinds! not to forget the pins for the last touch..its made out from i wrapped 2 for a friend of mine whos birthday is in december! (i cant stand to wait that long to see em wrap!) n a present for my cousin..for my friend's present, i added a wooden starfish to it..oh how sweeeeett..!!
i'll post a picture of it after...after...after december?! oh i'll just post a picture of it of my cousin's gift then..

oh by the way, i now know why in most people's IE, my blog's posts are way's a solution..why dont u click on view on the menu bar, then click on text size and choose smaller/medium which ever, until the postings are next to the menu bar..

PS : kenapa kok 13 going on 30 di indo keluarnya jadi suddenly 30 ya..jelek amat itu judul..iii..lagi pengen nonton spidey man 2 ama harry potter nih..u_u inez buttuttt..belom ada waktu nonton..huhuhuhuu..

1 is it?

Blogger -Bilbo's mom- said...

BOYFRIEND??? kok ga kasih tau?
gile loe pelittt banget si jadi orang, punya cowo ga update, punya foto album apalagi!
Loe jahattttttt deee jadi orang...

By the wei, emang! Itu orang baca blog gua bukannya simpatik karena loe tuh kena hack, malah monyongnya serondot bilang "adik loe ceroboh" dan "tanyain donk si hacker gimana ngehack kalo udah kasih tau gue."
Dasar ****--->well u know what I want to say.

Abis gitu sok mau membela diri lagi, yang salah juga dia, trus tiap orang yang ke blog gue, comment2nya di check! Yang ngebela gue, blog2nya pada didatengin, trus dengan kata2 yang menjijikkan dia tulis gini "kalo sudi peduli tolong datang ke blog saya untuk membaca somasi, saya ini masih menjunjung nilai blogger family."
Apaaaaaaaaaa coba siiiii....jijik deeee iii *no words to describe*
Membela diri tuuuwww udah tau salah. dasar guoblok!

July 18, 2004 at 12:58:00 PM GMT+7  

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