happy tree friends
hihihihihi..sapa yang tau happy tree friends?
mereka ini lucu loh..kemaren lagi nonton mtv (padaal harusnya bikin pr english loh..hehehe..abis tangan gatel..ambil remote aja deh akir-akirnya) keluar deh happy tree friends..
kebanyakan temen gua pada ga tau..n kadang ini 2 menit-an storynya abis itu selesai..n keluarnya pun ga pada jam-jam tertentu..so u cant be sure happy tree friends will be on at this time n this time..
happy tree friends itu semacam kartun binatang..lucu-lucu characternya..inez paling suka ama yang namanya "flaky" si porcupine berwarna merah..dia itu selalu do something wrong..terus kalo dia nyadar..dia ketawanya lucu..dengan 2 giginya..hihihi..if ur lucky u can still catch a picture of him at www.happytreefriends.com..try watching some of the episodes too..! (not recommended for small children !! ) gua aja kalo nonton bisa ngilu sendiri..saking sadisnya..oh well..im still childish anyway..*cheesy grin*
OR..open this page to watch flaky ! http://www.happytreefriends.com/watch_episodes/index.html# n click on water you wading for..ini salah satunya gimana si flaky ketawa yang bikin gua superrr gemeeessssss...rrrrrr..
oh yeah, when u click on it, a new window will open and it will show the toy machine with the yellow bunny being picked up..wait for a minute or two n the show 'water u wading for' will be on..dont forget to turn up ur speaker! happy watching!
1 is it?
hehe koq lucu sih serem gitu.. :P
emang sih characternya lucu2 cuma ceritanya serem2 hehe..
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