Friday, July 09, 2004

News of The Day

i wanna say :

Happy Birthday
to luk..=)
may God bless u


lemme present my new blog! :)

abis yang lama udah di hack apa apa lah..soalnya emang udah sumpek ama blog2 yang lama..
mau delete juga "uhh" tapi ya..sudah di hack yaaa..what can i do? im no good at computers..cerita cerita dulu ilang juga ga apa is the 9th (a fav number of mine) so maybe its a good start to start blogging n forget all about my past stories.. :) hey..have to look things at the bright side right? +, emang mau cari layout bagus ga ada yang bener2 "wow! this layout is so me" ..but this layout is ok..dont u think?

*note that : sometimes its real nice to fall asleep while u cry..but u cant cry too long cos then ur eyes will be swollen and ur head starts to spin..u cant sleep by then..n the next morning ur eyes will be like chinese people..^^

1 is it?

Blogger bebeqz said...

gwe juga sebenernya suka bgt kalo tidur pas gwe lg nangis ,, tp males!! besoknya mata gwe bengkak T_T emang siy jd cina gt , tp lucu juga *kalo lg libur doang tp* =P jadiiiiiiiiiii .. kalo lg nangis gt maw tidur , kompress aja dulu make aer dingiinn + es .. jadi bs rada2 normal gt ^^ mpe kempes *geli bgt ich bhs nya*

July 12, 2004 at 12:42:00 PM GMT+7  

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