Saturday, August 14, 2004

Dr. Basuki


because scrappy keep on not eating for 2 days, i have to take her to the doctor..a nicer doctor of course, n his house is near Puri Indah Mall..finding his house took us forever..n FINALLY after a trip around puri indah, we finally found it..his house is quite got 3 stairs pool..the 1st stair got turtles, the 2nd got fishes..the third is too high i daren't climb his stairs to take a look what's in it..well its unique anyway..i never saw a house with this kind of pond..n when i finally put scrappy on the examining table..


dokternya KRIBO! buset! rambutnya panjang n dikuncir..not to forget his bulging muscles..whoah..scrappy pun melotot..wekekekekekekeke..mau ketawa..but his face is so friendly...he got a smiling face..

hmmmm??dulu perasaan orangnya pake kacamata, tipe-tipe kutu buku..rambut dibelah pinggir..kok sekarang kayak gini?? *mffttt* ini mah orangnya cocok jadi lawannya si ryan ngadu panco..ahiahiaiahiahaihaihaihia..

anyway, dokternya pinter, di pet scrappynya, terus dia biarin si scrappy nyium tangannya so she can get to know him first..terus pas disuntik, dia suruh gua pegang kepalanya sambil dikucel-kucel..pinter kan? gua aja pertama-tama cuman neken kepalanya biar ga gerak..(*snickers* sorry scrappyyyy) terus dia suntiknya cepet scrappy aja belom sempet gerak..*sret*..FINISHEEDD! scrappy juga kaget kali ya ada doctor segini friendly..

after i leave his house, i really admired him..enaknya ya jadi dokter hewan..oops! i forgot..he's not only good with dogs, but all kind of animals! wow! pinter banget yah..i really want to be a vet..not a vet "vet" yang setiap hari cuman ngurusin binatang..tapi buka salon kecil-kecilan di apartment/rumah..cuman temen-temen deket (yang punya pet of course ato ga gua bokek..) yang sering dateng jadi langganan..ato tetangga juga boleh =] aaassssssaaaaaaalllll..binatangnya DOGS aja! jangan bawa ulerrrrrr..x_x pingsan tar gua..OR any other kind of animals..even CATS are not allowed..nuh-uh..

nah..sakit apa scrappy? sakit demam..terus pas di check up........PERUTNYA KOSONG! oh mommy, where have your babies gone?? kata dokternya mungkin anaknya dimakan..MASA SIH? no no no no no..scrappy is absolutely NOT that kind of mother..well im kinda relieved anyway..jadi ga usah takut-takut anaknya kalo dilahirin, dilahirin dimana? apa ini semua anaknya yang dilahirin? tar kalo anaknya laper si scrappy ilang gimana? nanti kalo anaknya masuk ke dalem lobang terus ga bisa napas gimana?

yaudah gitu scrappy susah nih disuruh minum obat..she's so picky! sheesh..

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