Sunday, August 08, 2004

ur always here

Im sorry I couldn't stop crying when I let u go with the doctor, Jenny..
I know that ur trying ur best to keep living..
and Im just being a crybaby, worrying too much about losing you..
Im sorry..
I couldnt just let u suffer like this..
But I know you're still here right now Jenny..
beside me when Im crying,
to make sure I'm alright..
Waiting for me arrive home after school..
Waiting for me to light a candle on your grave,
so that you wouldn't be lonely..
and guard us from the snake..
I wish that I could just hug u once more..
I miss you so much, Jenny..
C'mere Jenny,
you're the sweetest girl I ever had..

2 is it?

Blogger -Bilbo's mom- said...

Inez hadooh itu tolong ilangin bintik2nyaaa.
Loe tau ga sih kalo mau tulis comment tuh di blog loe mesti click 2x
pertama click "0 is it?"
yang seharusnya udah ke upload ke next page ini jadi lama gara2 bintik2nya belum selesai!!!
Terus abis gitu harus click "post comment"
Dan itu bintik2 keluar lagi!!!!!!! Ga bisa langsung tulis nama di log in name, harus nunggu2 BINTIK BINTIK HILANGGG
Gua kasih tau elo ya, BLOG LOE GA BAKAL GA COOL deh kalo BINTIK2 itu ilang.
Takut amat sih blog loe tuh ga cool.

ITu foto jeni loe ambil pas jeni mo mati ya?

August 10, 2004 at 2:42:00 AM GMT+7  
Blogger TG said...

Death is the reason why gue ngga berani pelihara anjing lagi. Too much deaths in the past and tiap kali anjing gue mati, pasti gue jadi gelap abis. Ngga tahan gitu ngeliatnya, mau marah tapi ngga tau marah ama siapa. Ngerasa ngga adil, tapi ngga jelas juga kenapa ngga adil. I mean gue ngga terlalu ngerasa gitu kalo ngeliat berita orang meninggal, tapi kalo giliran anjing, errrr gue langsung ngerasa uring-uringan.

Gue baca postingan elo yang beberapa hari ini tentang your precious lovers yang udah gone, ugh.. perasaan itu muncul lagi. Kenapa makhluk cantik seperti mereka harus ngalamin hal-hal yang mengerikan seperti itu? Moreover, kenapa mereka harus mati? Ugh. Kalo ada satu makhluk di dunia ini yang bisa gue atur supaya ngga mati, mereka adalah anjing.

*in memoriam of my Kitty, Molly, Nong-Nong, and Buldy*

August 11, 2004 at 8:40:00 AM GMT+7  

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