the first thing i heard in the morning really makes my skin tingle..
" momo jatoh, kepalanya kebentur, terus lupa ama david ( boyfriend ) "
just now, when i wrote that phrase, goosebumps came out all over the place..
the firs thing that comes out of my mind is a HAHAHAHAHA! ! ! ! !
when my friend says " seriously... "
i was like..what the heck?
seriously, its just so..DUMB right?
according to me, when a person had memory loss, she shouldn't just forget ONE person, but also places, like her home, or even school..harusnya pas dia ke sekolah, dia tanya-tanya dong, " where am i? "
*oops* SEHARUSNYA sih, bangun tidur aja udah nanya-nanya..
kalo gua dapet amnesia sih, bangun tidur gua duduk-duduk aja, *clingak clinguk*
" gua ada dimana? "
" itu apaan? "
sampe mbak dateng nanya " non, kok ga ke sekolah? "
" kamu sapa? saya dimana ya? "
its like a DUH right? masa lu dibawa ke sekolah terus bisa masuk, terus bisa ke lantai 4, terus bisa masuk kelas, abis itu baru nanya " tempat duduk gua dimana? "
ternyata dia itu bukan cuman ga inget sama pacarnya, tapi juga sama temen-temennya, sama gua juga!
T_T hix hix hix hix hix..
terus mukanya itu emang bener-bener kayak orang kebingungan..
seharian ddiiiiieemm aja terus..
oh yeah, another thing is, mana mungkin sih dia itu pagi-pagi bisa telpon temennya?
kalo gua sih udah kebingungan hp itu apaan..
terus, udah sampe sekolah, masa orang tuanya ga dateng buat bawa dia ke dokter?
the fact is that my opinion is right..
this is what i got from a site :
The symptoms of amnesia depend on the cause, but generally include:
Once the person recovers, they typically have no memory of their amnesia episode.
A range of causesMemory loss can be caused by a wide range of conditions, including:
Head injury
Severe illness
High fever
Emotional shock or hysteria
Alcohol-related brain damage
Certain drugs, such as barbiturates or heroin
General anaesthetics
Electroconvulsive therapy
Transient ischaemic attack (a 'mini stroke')
Alzheimer's disease
Brain surgery
the head injury part, i believe, soalnya emang kalo kepala kebentur, there's a chance of bruising ( pendarahan dalam ) n that could cause a lot of damage!
like my sister, abis kejeduk, she said her eyes felt like its bulging out..
n my mom, abis kejeduk mobil, jadi pusing banget and ga ilang-ilang rasa pusingnya for quite a long time..
so, kalo kejedut, i suggest you check up with your doctor..
the point of my post is,
does my friend really have amnesia?
( oh yeah, this post definitely has no offense towards her friends, aite? )