Tuesday, September 21, 2004


rese banget deh..
kenapa sih ce itu punya mata yang "RESE!!!!!!!!!!" ?
yang kalo ngeliat ke cowok sih "hi!" well, to certain boys anyway..
gilirannya ngeliat ke ce, "SAPE LU??"
sumpeh pengen gua congkel matanya!!
iiiiiiiiihh! sopan dikit bisa ga sih? gua tau kok lu lebih tua daripada gua tapi gua udah senyumin, loe ga respek ama sekali sama gue! loe seharusnya malu udah tua kayak gitu ga bisa kasih contoh yang baik buat yang kecil..

too bad i cant just say the name out loud here..

anyway..every bad day has a good side to it..

before i went shopping with my friends, we played playstation 2 *yay! the first time in 6 years after my ps 1 somehow just dissappeared* ..... the games sucks..maybe because it belongs to a boy..anyway..i got a chance to play fatal frame II *gosh!* its so damn scary! just walking thru the first part makes me all scared already..hahahahahaha..and u must believe this : my guy friend actually hides behind a pillow becos he's so damn scared but still can instruct me to go here and there and actually tells me im "stupid" -_-" talk about scaredy cat..( uhm..i mean sissy ) HA! AND! he can still pokes me and tries to scare me! sheesh...anyways we didna finish the game..we didnt even meet 1 ghost! *phew!* or else we'll be screamin like crayzeeeeeeeeee..!!

anyways..after that we went shopping for an usb and also some empty cds, but i actually got some dvds too..6 of em..LOL..( well what can i do..girls were, are, and will still be shoppaholic *wink* ) but too bad i aint got that much time to shop..cos of what? cos my 3 friends are all boys..*boo hoo!* if it was all girls i bet we wouldnt spend so much time eating lunch *diet, girls, diet!*

but i have a lotta fun anyway, i got a nice usb, a transparent one ( which i always wanted ) , and some ( some? there's 20 of em! ) cool design empty cds..well only one design anyway..i was lookin for the verbatim designs but they were all out of em cos their designs was way long ago..

can't talk too much now, i wanna watch ella enchanted! cool story btw n_n