Thursday, September 30, 2004



papa akir-akir ini jadi baek..terus papa pulangnya lebih dari jem 6 terus..
dari selasa itu gua keluar melulu pulang sekolah..tapi ujung-ujungnya pasti ke plaza senayan melulu..
pertama-tama gara-gara metro ada 20%..gua sekarang lagi seneng banget sama yang namanya "beanie" pokoknya mereka jual barang-barang made out of beans..not really beans "beans" yang bulet-bulet, tapi..empuk..

lucu-lucu deh..apalagi jam tahan pengen beli..udah beli sih..warna pink..tapi yang ga bisa ditulis..ada yang bisa ditulis sih..berguna..tapi sayang..hoho..jadi pengen beliin buat orang nih yang warna biru..soalnya gua ngiler ama 22'nya..erm..ngiler buat semuanya sih..HEHE..soalnya banyak macem sih..yang gua suka yang kotak kecil seperti dice bentuknya..

note : kalo ada yang jam wekernya pecah melulu, gara-gara kalo tidur kaki bisa nyasar ke bantal, mendingan beli jam ginian..empuk! pokoknya bagus banget deh..

well, selasa kan ke ps gara-gara mau ke metro..rebo ke ps lagi soalnya selasa ga kebeli sepatu pesta yang gua mauin..akirnya kebeli juga deh setelah berdebat ama mama..abisnya kalo yang di sogo, itu ampe 1 juta'an!! then ps lagi..( udah bosen ya dengernya ) cuman untuk beli hm..lama-lama jadi anak ps nih gua..pengen banget ke metro lagi deh..pengen is really really FUN and nice and makes me happy and refreshing and stress-free and........bikin bokek! =(

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

my new numbers

ahh..i dont wanna talk about the bad news today..

i was goin on a diet..but ate dinner at 7 instead..EEK!!
not to mention i ate a LOT!

another thing is, i called im3 operator to ask where they sell their numbers right..n the lady gave me this address..and what happens when i got there? its like they dont even notice my existence..! they talk like they show no respect..moreover, there was no stock of im3 numbers!! stupid stupid!! i dont wanna talk about i hate indonesians even more!!

but anyway i went to plaza senayan today..go shopping always makes me happy..if u got the MONEY, that is..

i bought a lotta things..sushi, a beanie clock, cool greeting cards (indonesia is really catching up with american greeting cards..but..the cards are actually imported from aussie deng..erm..anyway..) including 2 im3 number that i always wanted!! weeeeeeee!! happy2!! and when i got home at around 5.30, dad wasnt home yet too..phew! no rantings..

and today..only EL hw! so i gtg now work on it..i really need as much sleep as i cud get this week..term break is comment..hate school..hate school..

Sunday, September 26, 2004


im doing my project..which is due for tomorrow..

and is damn bored cos got no blogs to look at anymore..pathetic me..

thank goodness i got gaby which is supplying me pics! hehe!!

Friday, September 24, 2004

answer this

who is smarter?

the person who invents math ( who i trully TRULLY hate )

or the person who invents a calculator?

( please answer in the comment system..thanks before! )

Thursday, September 23, 2004


buat gaby !!
God bless!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


im so not in the mood to talk

Tuesday, September 21, 2004


rese banget deh..
kenapa sih ce itu punya mata yang "RESE!!!!!!!!!!" ?
yang kalo ngeliat ke cowok sih "hi!" well, to certain boys anyway..
gilirannya ngeliat ke ce, "SAPE LU??"
sumpeh pengen gua congkel matanya!!
iiiiiiiiihh! sopan dikit bisa ga sih? gua tau kok lu lebih tua daripada gua tapi gua udah senyumin, loe ga respek ama sekali sama gue! loe seharusnya malu udah tua kayak gitu ga bisa kasih contoh yang baik buat yang kecil..

too bad i cant just say the name out loud here..

anyway..every bad day has a good side to it..

before i went shopping with my friends, we played playstation 2 *yay! the first time in 6 years after my ps 1 somehow just dissappeared* ..... the games sucks..maybe because it belongs to a boy..anyway..i got a chance to play fatal frame II *gosh!* its so damn scary! just walking thru the first part makes me all scared already..hahahahahaha..and u must believe this : my guy friend actually hides behind a pillow becos he's so damn scared but still can instruct me to go here and there and actually tells me im "stupid" -_-" talk about scaredy cat..( uhm..i mean sissy ) HA! AND! he can still pokes me and tries to scare me! sheesh...anyways we didna finish the game..we didnt even meet 1 ghost! *phew!* or else we'll be screamin like crayzeeeeeeeeee..!!

anyways..after that we went shopping for an usb and also some empty cds, but i actually got some dvds too..6 of em..LOL..( well what can i do..girls were, are, and will still be shoppaholic *wink* ) but too bad i aint got that much time to shop..cos of what? cos my 3 friends are all boys..*boo hoo!* if it was all girls i bet we wouldnt spend so much time eating lunch *diet, girls, diet!*

but i have a lotta fun anyway, i got a nice usb, a transparent one ( which i always wanted ) , and some ( some? there's 20 of em! ) cool design empty cds..well only one design anyway..i was lookin for the verbatim designs but they were all out of em cos their designs was way long ago..

can't talk too much now, i wanna watch ella enchanted! cool story btw n_n

Saturday, September 18, 2004

lindsay lohan

do u notice the different skin color between the old lindsay and the new lindsay?
hmm..wonder if she's trying to hide her freckles..

Friday, September 17, 2004

yum yum

im eating an apple
*crunch crunch*
yea..i got nothing to do..
im too excited about the term holiday..

Thursday, September 16, 2004 or chill?





the answer to that is CHILL, of course! as if u dont know me..

mom will arrive soon, pretty late at about 10.. o_O im a sleeping couch, remember?

she'll be bringing home my favorite magazine in the world : DOLLY!

and she got 2 of em..the edition for september and la..perfect timing eh?

my term holiday is starting next week!!


no more a-maths!!

if im dropping a-math..theres no reason to study for tomorrow's test right? ( which is whats really bothering in my head right nah..too lazy me! xP ) i mean, after the term holiday, i will no longer have a-maths as one of my subjects why bother? and the fact is that its the last day of the termmmmm!! my gosh! its so exuberating isnt it? eheheheheheheheh..

i think thats all i can write about today..other than 3 disappointing test results i got in d-math retest, chemistry and geography! huff..! i dont even wanna talk about it..

gotta change and pick up mom at 8..

see yah!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


to Natasya!
God bless u!

Sunday, September 12, 2004


just blogging..
to let u know im still alive..

Saturday, September 11, 2004


rese rese!!
gua udah bilang gua mau itu nomer!!
kenapa dijual ke orang laen??

Thursday, September 09, 2004

alone alone

mom's gone to singapore
be back next thursday

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

find the difference

i was lookin for something for our yearbook..
( yep it havent been published yet )
5 in the morning, okay!
am i ever so good of a student!
so as i was searching for good pictures of " find the difference " and comics..
and i found this!
try it!
its good!!
find 5 difference..
oh how it really tricked me!

Monday, September 06, 2004


hm hm hm hm..
sebel banget deh ih!
today kan hp gua dibalikin..
and i looked at who called..
tapi its
(no number) (2)
bisa gila saking keselnya..
sapa sih?? sapaaaaaaaa????
gara-gara lu hp gua diconfiscate!
dasar bengeeeeeeekk kauuuu!
tapi ga apa-apa lah at least hp dibalikin tanpa orang tua dateng..
soalnya guru gua sih..sok..karma..sukur!
dia pas over the weekend mau telpon gua, remind me about the yearbook stuff..
"eh..aduh! her phone is not with her ya" with her indonesian-english accent
sukur sukur sukur sukurinn..
akirnya tadi dia bilang
"if u found something tonight for the yearbook, here, i give ur phone back now"
terus guru-guru disampingnya pada ketawa2..
apalagi si ms.dian..
terus mungkin gara-gara si vanda saking keselnya,
pas ms.dian with her "flu" voice and innocently said, " i want to see the yearbook please " terus dia tarik samplenya..
tiba-tiba si ms.vanda tarik balik " eh cannot ya "
ms dian : why cannot?
ms van : kenot ya kenot
ms dian : aiya ur so stingy ya..
terus masa pas gua bilang, " ok if i found something u dont give me the test tomorrow ya "
immediately, there's her famous revolting dont-mess-with-me stare..
ngadu deh tu dia ke form teacher gua..
" calm on the outside but crazy on the inside ya..see..see ur child here "
hahahahahahaha..gondoknya ms.yanti bales " i dont care what..hehe.. "
ms. vanda = K.O!!

Sunday, September 05, 2004


untungg..harga kuenya murah..
moga-moga aja kuenya bagus deh..
soalnya no specific design sih..
and kalo mau pesen harus 3 hari..
mana cukup waktunya?
orang tanggal 9 mama cabut ke singapore..

Saturday, September 04, 2004



Thursday, September 02, 2004

adidAs aDidas adidaS Adidas

sepatu adidasssssssssssssssssssssss kuwwww
is finally hereeeeeeee!!!!!
thanks a bunch ya flo..!!!!!!